Senin 03 Jul 2017 02:15 WIB

Indonesian Embassy asks illegal workers to go home

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Illegal migrant workers arrested in a raid by Malaysian Immigration. (Illustration)
Foto: Antara/Yohanes Kurnia Irawan
Illegal migrant workers arrested in a raid by Malaysian Immigration. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUALA LUMPUR – A Task Force for People Protection of Indonesian Embassy to Kuala Lumpur appealed the illegal workers to go home or being raided by Malaysian immigration. The institution had conducted massive raids in all states on Friday night (June 30) for the e-card program for temporary illegal workers had been ended.

“All illegal foreigners (PATI) from Indonesia must register voluntary returned program. It is cheaper, they should not be jailed, and they return home through Depo Imigresen (immigration),” said the Head of Task Force for People Protection of Indonesian Embassy to Kuala Lumpur Yusron B Ambary in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday (July 2).

Yusron also appealed the Indonesian Nationals to bring the valid personal documents to avoid being wrongly arrested by the immigration. Illegal workers might not underestimate the Malaysian immigration’s threat. They said to conduct massive raids for illegal workers from 15 countries, including Indonesia.

He expected that Malaysian government did not only raid the legal workers, but also the employers and the agents. It would be fairer as so far the institution only targeted the workers, while the employers were free from any legal threat.

A number of 1,035 people, including three children, were arrested in all Malaysian states during a massive operation by Malaysian Immigration Office after e-Card program was ended. They came from 3,393 PATI who were examined in 155 premis, including Sabah and Sarawak.

Among them, 515 people were Bangladeshi people, 135 Indonesian, 102 from Myanmar, 50 people from Philippines, five from Thailand, two from Vietnam and others.  

Meanwhile, Executive Director of Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) Datuk Samsuddin Bardan said Malaysian Interior Ministries (KDN) and Immigration Offices had been failed to bring the e-Card program. The institution should not only rely on the employers’ effort to register their workers. The PATI might be able to register them.

“We have talked about it to KDN and immigration, but they seemed to neglect it,” he said to Berita Harian.

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