REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BENGKULU -- The Prevention Team of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will help guarantee that rural fund of Rp1.035 trillion for the province is well spent.
"KPK takes part in supervising the use of rural fund in Bengkulu, therefore, use the fund for what it is appropriated, chairman of the Coordinating and Supervision Team of KPK Adlinsyah Nasution said here on Monday.
KPK has given greater attentions to the rural funds as they easily becomes a target of corruption, Adlinsyah said at a ceremony socializing the use of rural fund organized by the provincial financial and development watchdog (BKKP) attended village and district administrators in the province.
He warned against a repeat of what happened in the regency of Pamengkasan where KPK has arrested a number of district leaders for alleged involvement in the embezzlement of rural fund.
"Not only village administrators , but the head of the district administration and head of law enforcement agency in Pamekasan are now in KPK detention for alleged corruption," he said.
Earlier this month KPK arrested Regent of Pamekasan Achmad Syafii and head of the district prosecution office Rudi Indra Prasetya for alleged bribery.
He said rural funds are for rural development that all villagers would benefit from the use of the funds.
Chief of the provincial office of BPKP Bram Brahmana said socialization of the use of the rural funds is part of government attempts to improve rural fund management in rural areas as well as in reporting the spending of the fund.
The people are provided access to the budget earmarked by the government to guarantee transparency, he said.
Bengkulu has 1,341 villages in nine regencies entitled to Rp1,035 trillion in rural fund from the central government in 2017.
The fund would be split between 142 villages in the district of South Bengkulu with a total allocation of Rp110 billion; 251 villages in the district of North Bengkulu with a total allocation of Rp166 billion; 122 villages in the district of Rejanglebong with an allocation of Rp95 billion; 192 villages in the district of Kaur with an allocation of Rp145 billion; 182 villages in the district of Seluma with an allocation of Rp139 billion; 148 villages in the district of Mukomuko with an allocation of Rp115 billion; 93 villages in the regency of Lebong with an allocation of Rp72 billion; 105 villages in the district of Kepahiang with an allocation of Rp81 billion and 142 villages in the district of Bengkulu Tengah with an allocation of Rp108 billion.