Kamis 21 Sep 2017 13:16 WIB

Jokowi to relax regulation to boost digital economy

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
President Joko Widodo inaugurates the Indonesia Business Digital Expo (IBDExpo) 2017 at the Jakarta Convention Center, on Wednesday.
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan Hidayat
President Joko Widodo inaugurates the Indonesia Business Digital Expo (IBDExpo) 2017 at the Jakarta Convention Center, on Wednesday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) promised to prune regulations to accelerate the process of innovation in all sectors of industry especially to boost development of digital economy.

"What we need is regulations that would support expansion of digital economy, instead of ones that cause a drag on the growth of the startup companies," Jokowi said at a seminar on "New Economy in Digital Era" held to highlight the Indonesia Business Digital Expo (IBDExpo) 2017 at the Jakarta Convention Center, on Wednesday.

The President said the start-up companies need wider room for experiment and for that they need support with regulation.

Innovation need time for experiment and large cost, therefore, start-up companies must not be pinned with restrictive regulations, he said.

Jokowi said currently there are around 42,000 regulations related to industry of information and communications technology.

"These (regulations) serve as a stumbling block for innovation. It is my duty to remove the restrictive regulations. I am confused myself with the regulation let alone the people.

"Regulation should not be too many . Our country has too many regulations. We are trapped by or own regulations. We already scrapped many regulations but there are still many left," he said.

In from of Minister of State Enterprises Rini Soemarno, Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution, Communications and Information Minister Rudiantara, and around 500 participant of the seminar, the President stressed the importance of facilitating start-up companies.

"This is the reasons for us to launch deregulation measure, to reduce regulatory overlapping and requirements that put a brake on new initiatives, new systems and new innovations," he said.

The president said in the past there were fewer licenses but there were requirements which accumulate to more regulations.

"It is our duty to reduce licenses that the business sector is more energetic and livelier," he added.

The president said Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has to be developed to support digital economy.

"Infrastructure is the key. I have always asked the minister progress in the development of the Palapa Ring telecommunication networks. When it is to be completed in eastern and central Indonesia," he said.

The President also gave emphasis on development of cyber security, saying,"In the past several months cyber attacks are devastating with ramsonware and wanncacry viruses."

"We have to find way to cope with cyber crimes. Several months earlier, the government formed a State Code and Cyber Agency Board. It is no in the process of forming its institution," the president said.

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