REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Central Executive Board (DPP) of Gerindra Party have prepared 15 names to be its vice presidential candidate. Former Indonesian Military Commander (TNI) Gatot Nurmayanto and Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) chairman Sohibul Iman are in the nomination list.
"Gatot has met Prabowo and he has entered our radar," Gerindra Party deputy secretary general, Andre Rosiade explained.
However, Gerindra party officials have not made up their mind yet. Andre said his party was still discussing the best vice presidential candidate.
Meanwhile, Gerindra has informally named its chief of patron Prabowo Subianto to be presidential candidate in the next's year election. "The declaration will be announced in early April," he said on Monday.

Gerindra Party deputy secretary general, Andre Rosiade
In addition, there were some other names in the nomination list. Former coordinating maritime affairs minister Rizal Ramli, West Nusa Tenggara Governor, M Zainul Majdi or usually called Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB), and also former Constitutional Court (MK) chairman Mahfud MD also considered as prospective candidates. He believed the list of candidates will be shortened after Prabowo's declaration.
Andre said the names of Prabowo's running mate will be discussed again following the certainty of coalition. So far Gerindra might form a coalition with Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).
According to political observer from Syarif Hidayatullah State-Islamic University Pangi Syarwi Chaniago, Gerindra's decision to postpone Prabowo's declaration as presidential candidate is a part of strategy. The party was trying to read political map, calculate and recalculate the chance of winning. "Gerindra is testing the water. They have barganning position and can play on two legs and can surfe to all axises," he said.