Jumat 10 Aug 2018 15:36 WIB

KPU declares Jokowi-Ma'ruf files complete

Jokowi-Ma'ruf registered themselves to KPU on Friday morning.

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheni, Amri Amrullah/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Incumbent President Joko Widodo and his running mate KH Ma'ruf Amin registered themselves to General Election Commission in Jakarta on Friday.
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Incumbent President Joko Widodo and his running mate KH Ma'ruf Amin registered themselves to General Election Commission in Jakarta on Friday.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- General Election Commission (KPU) stated the terms and conditions for nomination of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and KH Ma'ruf Amin as presidential and vice presidential candidate was complete. Next, KPU to verified the documents.

"After that, we will give recommendation to conduct health check," the head of Technical and Legal Bureau of KPU, Nur Syarifah said on Friday. Jokowi and Ma'ruf were scheduled to conduct medical check up on August 12.

Nur added two supporting parties from the government coalition were dropped as bearers of Jokowi-Ma'ruf. The two parties, namely PSI and Perindo, were not eligible to be listed as bearing parties as they were not participant of presidential election 2014.

The incumbent President Jokowi called on Indonesian people to make the 2019 presidential election process as celebration of joy in democracy. He expected the election would be free from hostility.

"Democracy is not a war, not hostility, but the arena to pit concepts, ideas, track record and achievements. Do not let political differences lead us to be enemies," he reminded after registration.


Joko Widodo (center left) and KH Ma'ruf Amin submit documents of registration as presidential and vice presidential candidate in presidential election 2019 to General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman Arief Budiman (second right) at KPU office, Jakarta, Friday (Aug 10).

Jokowi and Ma'ruf have registered themselves as election participant in the 2019 presidential election on Friday (Aug 10) at around 09.25 West Indonesia Standard Time. Nine coalition member parties witnessed the registration.

PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar, PPP Chairman Romahurmuziy, Golkar Chairman Airlangga Hartarto, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, Perindo Chairmaan Harry Tanoesoedibjo, NasDem Chairman Surya Paloh and PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri were present at KPU office.

Several ministers showed their support to Jokowi-Ma'ruf at KPU, among others Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi, Manpower Minister Hanif Dhakiri, Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Environment Minister Siti Nurbaya.

Jokowi declared himself as presidential candidate on Thursday evening. He decided to pair with Nahdlatul Ulama supreme leader and Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) Chairman KH Ma'ruf Amin to complete the concept of nationalist-religious.

Earlier, former Chief Justice of Constitutional Court Mahfud MD said Jokowi has asked him to prepare to be his running mate. Mahfud was surprised to hear Jokowi did not mention his name when declaring vice presidential candidate.

"I was surprised, but not disappointed," he said.

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