Selasa 16 Oct 2018 21:47 WIB

Syarief Hasan defends Andi Arief’s critics to Prabowo

Through his Twitter account, Andi Arief criticizes Prabowo's campaign effort.

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto attends National Working Meeting of Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII), at Minhaajurrosyidin Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta, Thursday (Oct 11).
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto attends National Working Meeting of Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII), at Minhaajurrosyidin Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta, Thursday (Oct 11).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Democratic Party deputy general chairman Syarief Hasan defended the statement of his deputy secretary general Andi Arief. Earlier, Andi criticized presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto which he assessed not active to campaign around the regions in Indonesia.

According to Syarief, Andi’s statement was true. He explained that Prabowo’s campaign was not maximal yet because it had just started.

“Mr Andi just said the campaign is not maximal. Yes, it wasn’t because the campaign has just started,”  Syarief said on Tuesday (Oct 16).

Syarief said campaign was like marathon. "If at the beginning we have pulled the gas too strong, then it will potentially be lethargic at the end," he said.

Also read: PKS denies Andi Arief allegation against Prabowo

He said it would be normal for Andi to call Prabowo not optimal. “It doesn’t need to be maximal at the beginning. We have seven months to campaign. It’s just a misperception,” Syarief added.

Syarief said what Andi has done did not need to be exaggerated. Democratic Party also will not give sanction to Andi due to his statement.

Earlier, Andi Arief made a statement through his Twitter account. He said as presidential candidate, Prabowo was less campaigning in various regions.

“In presidential election, we choose president, so if Mr Prabowo doesn’t want to go around Indonesia actively, there’s no magic formula to win,” Andi said.

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