Selasa 03 Feb 2015 15:49 WIB

The scarcity of statesmen

Ahmad Syafii Maarif
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ahmad Syafii Maarif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ahmad Syafii Maarif

In our today's uncertain national situation, the longing for the presence of statesmen was increasingly felt. If we look at the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta era in terms of national leadership, then some of the following notes may be of interest to be re-examined at a time when Indonesia is undergoing a disturbing national crisis.

Reform era often giving birth to pragmatic politicians with a fragile national awareness, while the statesman who can bring this nation achievement, as per the goal of independence as it was written in the 1945 Constitution, particularly in the fourth paragraph, do not turn up. But, have Bung Karno and Bung Hatta as national fighter’s statesman bring this nation to a certain formulated goals? The explanation below is a possible answer to this question.

That Bung Karno and Bung Hatta in times of crisis more often put the interests of the nation rather than personal interests and groups. Both our Proclamator were not always consistent in outlook and political practice, but it did not reduce the quality of their statesmanship.

Bung Hatta resignation as vice president in late 1956 was the first sign that the two men had to be at a crossroads, while their personal relationships are both relatively still undisturbed. Correspondence relationship of both sides still in progress, but in a different position: Bung Karno as president, Hatta as an ordinary citizen with a certain weight.

It is regrettable why cooperation between the two Proclamators could not last a little longer until Indonesia became more stable in politics and the economics as both are the ultimate symbol of national unity. Had Bung Hatta be more patient to accompany Bung Karno, and then the severe split may be insurmountable.

When Bung Karno on July 5, 1959 decreed the re-enactment of the 1945 Constitution to dissolve the Constituent Assembly, then dissolve parliament, as a way to create a system of Guided Democracy (1959-1966), Bung Hatta did not react quickly. Only in May 1960 under the article with the title "Our Democracy", Hatta said that Guided Democracy is a "dictatorship supported by certain groups".

But Hatta realized that "a democracy which not bound to the limits of freedom, away for the terms of its life and only to be an anarchy will gradually be replaced by a dictatorship". In other words, it could be interpreted that democracy beyond the limit will lead to anarchy, and anarchy would open the way to the dictatorial system.

That was the political map of Indonesia in the early era of the Guided Democracy. And remember that Bung Karno and Bung Hatta were statesman and great intellectuals owned by this nation, but they have to break up their partnership due to differences, in perceptions of democracy, have gone too far. Today’s politicians hardly ever argue about the big issues, such as democracy, morality, and political civilization, because they do not seek to be a statesman.

Take a look at the KMP (Coalition Red and White) maneuvers vis-à-vis KIH (Coalition Indonesia Superb) maneuvers, were not due to fundamental differences in views about democracy, morality, and political civilization, but it were almost triggered by a political problem for fortune-sharing. Democracy in the hands of politicians, of such quality will only worsen the Indonesian political system that was already bad.

If Bung Karno and Bung Hatta as a great statesman experienced split in partnership, our today’s politicians should have to be careful so that the split of the nation is not getting worse. Negative sides of Bung Karno and Bung Hatta should not be inherited. However, the positive sides of their attitude who are more concerned with the nation and the state need to be enliven continuously until the culture of this nation become totally sober.

The shortest path towards it is that politicians who are on stage willing to replace their attitude and character as politicians to become statesmen with a sharp and clear national awareness. Only with such change of mental attitude, the guarantees of a fairer, dignified, and confidence future of Indonesia can be ensured.

We should not be lost by this saying, "If Bung Karno and Bung Hatta do not get along, how about us who come later." The womb of this nation has the potential to give birth to the statesman who could exceed Bung Karno and Bung Hatta. The requirement, we should honestly want to learn from history.

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