Kamis 21 Jan 2016 20:15 WIB

To Protect Indonesia (1)

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Azyumardi Azra
Foto: Republika/Daan
Azyumardi Azra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By. Azyumardi Azra


Last week, an act of terrorism is happened in Thamrin, Sarinah Area, Central Jakarta. This showed us there is the persistence of citizens in Indonesia that want to destroy God's earth.

Eight people were killed and 26 wounded in that tragedy. The perpetrators that were allegedly affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) weren't just creating a terror. The main purpose of this militant group is to create Daulah Islamiah, in the form of a caliphate or we know as Islamic State.

It doesn't make sense if the demolition of Indonesia was carried out by importing conflicts, violence, and kill each other between various parties in the Middle East. This is the most critical period in many Middle East countries, where conflict and war happened.

Look what happened in Syiria and Iraq. Internal conflict and violence provided an opportunity for ISIS. Especially, since April 2013, when the militant group declared their caliphate under the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Baghadi. Since then, ISIS controls an extensive area in Syria and Iraq.

Although international powers, such as United States (US), Russia, Turkey, and the other Middle East countries helped to launch attack to ISIS, these militant groups still survive. Even, ISIS still continues their terrorism actions in other places such as France and Indonesia.

Then, violence and war also continue in Yemen, among a coalition of Saudi Arabia with several Middle East countries against Houthi rebels. At least, 4,000 civilians were killed an ten thousands of people injured.

Since Saudi Arabia and the coalition intervened on March 2015, no sign that their action could resolve problems in Yemen. Many analysts said, this war is unwinnable wars. This war is going to produce nothing, except destruction of humanity and civilisation.

Political instability also continues in Libya and Egypt. Libya is still experiencing conflict among various parties and tribes that were trying to seize power. So far, there is no sign this conflict will end.

Meanwhile, the power of military under President El-Sisi's leadership hasn't been able to destroy radical elements among organisation al-ikhwal al muslimun. Therefore, this war will never end.

Meanwhile, the new chapter of conflict that makes tension in Middle East comes between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This tension stems from executions on January 2, 2016 against 47 people, including Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. This executions end with large demonstrations in Tehran, capital of Iran and severance of diplomatic relations between 2 countries.

Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran threaten the stability of many sectors, such as political, economy, and religion. Not only in Middle East, but also other countries in the world.

In Nigeria, the militant group called Boko Haram still continues their brutality. Even, act of terrorism by this group happened one day after Sarinah attack in our country. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for this action.

ISIS, Alqaidah, Boko Haram, and the other militant groups in this world is breaking humanity and divine norms. But, in fact, their action was copied by some Indonesia citizens.

They want to destroy Indonesia, one of the largest Muslim population countries in the world. Where are their conscience and logical thinks?

BACA JUGA: Ikuti Serial Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam di Islam Digest , Klik di Sini
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