Kamis 14 Nov 2013 13:11 WIB

Anti-corruption is 'Fardhu Ain'

Dzikrullah atau mengingat Allah (ilustrasi).
Foto: sitekno.com
Dzikrullah atau mengingat Allah (ilustrasi).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak*

Corruptor aka thieves are also a human being. Then they should be treated humanely too. That's the message of politician cum "wise man". Had they ever think about humanity when robbing public rights?

Had their family members think where the origine of money for which they enjoy was? Not at all. Luxury that is not obtained in halal (lawful) way covered their eyes and hearts.

When they were arrested, they demonstrated innocent behavior, even tried to win the hearts of the public in various ways.

There are corruptors who fought back, as if they are victims, conducting a joint prayer to expect public support, by stating "the arrest of their family members is a tragedy and lesson from Allah SWT", and the media and the parties who participated to uncover allegations of public money stealing accused of being tendentious and has political interests to seize power. Rows of magic words to draw public sympathy produced to defend themselves.

The fight against corruption should not be slack just because of "pitiful" pledoi (defense) of corruptor. The public should continue to help provide social sanctions as no mercy, provide severe social punishment.

Era of media freedom is giving an opportunity to the public to provide penalties with no mercy through social media in the form of blogs, micro blogs and other media such as newspapers and television.

Social penalties obtained from the public will complete the punishment for anti-corruption court.

Anti-corruption movement should continue to be duplicated in massive forms, all elements of civil society must be part of the anti-corruption movement, and everyone should be ready to be an anti-corruption activist.

Duplication anti- corruption movement is important, because the real root which delays the development of Indonesia is corruption and nothing else.

Corruption has made our economic plan could not run as expected, and it always faced with failure at the level of process and outcomes.

Corruption activities also caused our politics filled with uncivilized practices, political practices which neglect public interest, which is actually a means for fixing civilization were actually destructive to civilization.

Money has become an important part in our political practices, while integrity and competence become wasted 'rubbish'.

Development of our education was held hostage by corrupt practices, the large amount of budget in this sector sometimes is not actually improve access and quality of our education, but providing a bigger bowl for orgy stealing in education environment.

Educators are not ashamed anymore, with their sacred "cover" as an educator, they participated in robbing public rights.

On the other hand some of our clergy who talk about morals and honesty, but they even involved in corruption behind the podium, just look at the case of some clergy who are involved in corruption cases.

So, there is no corner of the country that is free from corruption. Corruption virus has become epidemic, which destroyed all our civilization. So, it is futile of talking about fixing the economy, politics, education, technology and so on, without first combating a row of corruption problems in this country.

Then it is fardhu ain (individual obligation) for all the children of nation to fight and help provide social sanction for the corrupt. Of course we should also start a "clean" attitude without corruption beginning from our self and homes.

*The author is an anti-corruption activist and a lecturer of the Faculty of Economics Univ. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Editor: Heri Ruslan

sumber : ROL/Publika/Wacana
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