Kamis 29 Mar 2012 19:56 WIB

Dolo, a Waterfall hides inside a pine forest

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Dolo Waterfall in Kediri, East Java (photo file)
Foto: waterfalls-in-indonesia.blogspot.com
Dolo Waterfall in Kediri, East Java (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KEDIRI – The beautiful Dolo Waterfall, situated in Besuki, Jugo Village, Kediri, is hiding behind the thick of pine trees of Besuki Mountain. Serenity and tranquility offered by the waterfall free us from weariness of routine and city life. The panoramic view and clement weather also fascinate the visitors.

The waterfall is still natural, far from the noise and pollution of the city. Dolo waterfall is divided into three levels. The bottom two are only four meters high, while the third level reaches 30 meters high. The visitors can stand under the waterfall and feel the drizzle of cold water.

To reach the waterfall, the visitors should climb down thousand steps. And before reaching the steps, the visitors pass the winding street with the amazing view of pine trees on the right and slopes on the left side.

Dolo Waterfall is located about 25 kilometers from Kediri. The visitors can use their cars until Besuki then walk to the waterfall through cobbled street. A few meters from the waterfall, there are strawberry and vegetables farms. We can pick the crops all by ourselves. If you are a kind of warm weather lover, you may not forget to bring your warmer clothing as Dolo is quite cold. 




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