Jumat 14 Jun 2013 20:20 WIB

Dieng to hold a cultural festival on June 29-30

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
People in Dieng, Central Java, hold a tradition of
Foto: Antara/Anis Efizudin
People in Dieng, Central Java, hold a tradition of "ruwatan" to remove a child's dreadlocks hair. (file photo)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANJARNEGARA - Dieng Cultural Festival  (DCF) 2013 will be held on June 29-30 at Dieng plateau, Banjarnegara regency, Central Java. At least eight jazz bands want to participate in the show.

Dieng is popular as the land on the clouds due to its average altitude is about 2,000 m above sea level. The temperatures ranges from 15 to 20 centigrade during the day and 10 centigrade at night. In the dry season (July and August), temperatures can be as low as 0 centigrade in the morning and it brings frost called bun upas (dew poison) and damages agricultural crops. Dieng is beautiful active volcanic region.

"We will not make it elitist or expensive, so it's free," Supervisor of DCF 2013, Budhi Herman said on Friday.

Apart from eight jazz bands, an impromptu jazz music played by youths from Dieng will also perform in the concert. Visitors will enjoy many cultural events, including mass "ruwatan", a tradition intended for kids with dreadlocks hair.

Children with dreadlock in Dieng Plateau are considered as the incarnations of God. To remove the dreadlocks hair, people will hold ritual of ruwatan, a cutting hair ceremony. This ritual is performed at the request of the child and people must meet his demand with complete offerings such as rice cone seven colors, snack, fruits, and cooked chicken.


sumber : Antara
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