Selasa 23 Jul 2013 00:52 WIB

Adventurers from Germany detained in Indonesia

Rep: Abdullah Sammy/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Religious ceremony is held at a temple in Bali, Indonesia. Twenty adventurers from Germany now proceeds to Bali after held temporary by Indonesian police in Garut, West Java. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Nyoman Budhiana
Religious ceremony is held at a temple in Bali, Indonesia. Twenty adventurers from Germany now proceeds to Bali after held temporary by Indonesian police in Garut, West Java. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT - Twenty adventurers from Germany intended to explore the world by land  by using 10 doubled cabin cars. Their journey began in early 2011. They have entered Asia via Turkey and coped many obstacles in that way, such as conquered heat desert along Iran-Pakistan road.

Tirelessly, the young people then entered India, Thailand to Malaysia. Years have also changed to 2013. Now, they entered Indonesia's land area and they got a real hurdle.

When crossing Garut district, West Java on Saturday, July 20, 2013, their journey was terminated at Limbangan Street, Kadungora, Garut. But Indonesian police officers in Garut stop their movement, due to improper documents. 

Garut Police Chief, Sulman Azis, explained the world adventurers failed to show the proper permit. The action sparks an outcry from the team members, including  Brigitte (48 years).

"The first time we entered other regions in Indonesia, our adventure with these open cars are running smoothly. We have full permissions letters, including visas and passports," Brigitte said in dismay.

After a lengthy debate the team was allowed to proceed their travel. Now the team will head to Bali, East Timor and Australia. From Australia, this group will explore long sea lanes to get to the mainland of United States. After that, Brigitte and friends will go back to Germany. 

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