Rabu 06 Jan 2016 08:02 WIB

Infrastructures provided to reach 20 million tourist target

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Raja Ampat
Foto: Google
Raja Ampat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RAJA AMPAT -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was optimistic that tourism sector would be developed well in 2016. He believed in the next two to three-year, target of 20 million foreign tourists could be reached.

"We have a lot great destinations. We will get 20 million (foreign tourists)," said the President while waiting for sunrise at Waiwo Beach, Raja Ampat, Friday (1/1) morning.

However, to reach 20 million foreign tourists, he said there are still much that must be addressed, such as promotion of tourism destination and improvement of the product.

For Raja Ampat, he added, there were three things that must be prepared, namely extension of the airport runway and terminal, then port, and ships.

"Ships are required to access the islands," the president said.

President has asked Tourism Minister to make the Raja Ampat as an exclusive tourism. He also stated, besides Raja Ampat, Labuan Bajo would also be famous tourism destination.

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