Ahad 11 Feb 2018 00:36 WIB

Caravan, glamorous camping promoted ahead IMF meetings

IMF meetings to be held in October 2018.

Tourists enjoying view at of Punthuk Setumbu, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java in the morning.
Foto: Antara/Sigid Kurniawan
Tourists enjoying view at of Punthuk Setumbu, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java in the morning.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG -- Tourism Minister Arief Yahya asked the Borobudur Tourism Authority Board to immediately develop a nomadic tourism concept to welcome and host the International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank Annual Meetings in October 2018. Yahya said that developing nomadic tourism such as caravan and glamorous camping is faster to be a selling point of Borobudur tourism than building hotels and fixed buildings that takes three to five years.

"Start with development of nomadic tourism, a temporary thing, that you can do quickly. Something with a little profitability should not be a small thing. A four or five star glamorous camping could be sold during the IMF-World Bank meetings," he said in the inauguration of Borobudur Tourism Authority Board at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java Province, Friday night.

The meetings are the world's largest economic and financial meetings featuring the governor of Central Bank, and finance ministers from 189 countries.

He explained the nomadic tourism will showcase caravan, glamorous camping and home port.

According to Yahya, a caravan that includes an inn is a form of a flexible accommodation. Indonesia could learn from the United States, Australia and New Zealand that are considered capable of forming a caravan inn.

"Caravan can choose the best spot with a panoramic angle. You can move daily by using caravan, monthly by using glamorous camp, and can move after six months by using home port," he said.

On the same occasion, President Director of the Borobudur Authority Board Indah Juanita said glamorous camping tour is considered suitable for the Borobodur Area that is surrounded by forests.

"Therefore, tourism activities in forestry areas with low development capacity and without massive building construction can bring a lot of guests, including a glamorous camping that does not damage the environment," she stated.

Tourism development in Borobudur area will be conducted in an area of 309 hectares that includes Purworejo, Central Java Province. Construction of public facilities and other infrastructure will be effective in the middle of the year following the issuance of right to control the land from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Tourism Ministry has set a target that the number of tourist arrivals to Borobudur in 2019 could reach 2 million people with a projected foreign exchange of 2 billion US dollars.

sumber : Antara
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