Sabtu 01 May 2021 03:22 WIB

Iran: Resistance will end occupation of Palestinians’ land

The only way to end the occupation of Palestinians’ lands is relying on resistance

Rep: IRNA/ Red: Elba Damhuri
Palestine's citizens are gathering while raising their national flag
Foto: Anadolu Agency
Palestine's citizens are gathering while raising their national flag

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Madrid – Iran’s Ambassador to Portugal Morteza Dmanpak Jaami, in an interview with the official Portuguese news agency, Lusa, said that the only way to end the occupation of the Palestinians’ lands is relying on resistance power.

Damanpak has in this interview that has been published in Italy’s leading dallies, such as the Observador, Expresso, and the Porto news channel, answered the Lusa news agency’s questions on Iran’s ongoing nuclear talks in Vienna, the recent Israeli nuclear terrorist act in Natanz and such regional issues as Palestine, Iran-Saudi relations, and the human catastrophe in Yemen.

In response to a question on the current status if Vienna nuclear talks, the Iranian envoy said: Iran has made it clear in Vienna talks that it will by no means yield to the US plan for step-by-step return to the JCPOA and is asking for immediate termination of the entire sanctions that were imposed during Trump’s tenure. 

The current US administration cannot use the defeated maximum pressure policy of Trump as a pressure lever against Iran in the nuclear talks.