Ahad 31 Dec 2023 13:49 WIB

Supporters of Erick Thohir joining Prabowo-Gibran, signal for one-round Presidential Election?

Erick Thohir's volunteer group spread across Jakarta, West Java, East Java and North Sumatra

Rep: Jouron/ Red: Partner
Foto: network /Jouron

The candidate of the<a href= presidential election Prabowo Subianto (L) is talking to Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir." />
The candidate of the presidential election Prabowo Subianto (L) is talking to Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir.

JAKARTA -- About 45 days before the Indonesia's 2024 Presidential Election, political dynamics in Indonesia are getting warmer. The most recent thing is the phenomenon of a number of Erick Thohir's supporters and volunteers joining the Prabowo-Gibran ranks.

Erick Thohir's volunteer group spread across Jakarta, West Java, East Java and North Sumatra declared their support for pair number 2.

"We have taken a historic step by deciding to fully support Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka for the 2024 Presidential Election," said Erick Thohir DKI Jakarta Volunteer Coordinator, Karel Poborski, Friday (29/12).

A large group of Erick Thohir volunteers in West Java also declared their vote for Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 presidential election. Balad Erick Thohir's daily chairman, Ma'ruf Mutaqin, said that the Garut region was chosen as the location for the declaration because it is the largest base for Balad Erick Thohir volunteers in West Java.

From East Java, volunteers emphasized their support for Erick Thohir who had stated that he would fully support Prabowo-Gibran as successors to the Jokowi government. "Erik Tohir is one of the nation's best sons who has been tested and proven to provide great work," explained Carik East Java Volunteer Field Coordinator, Tri Yudi Efendi.

Meanwhile in North Sumatra, hundreds of Bang Erick Thohir (BangET) volunteer groups expressed support for Prabowo because his enthusiasm was considered to be in line with Erick's consistent development of state-owned enterprises and increasingly global Indonesian football.

"This declaration is from Erick Thohir's Volunteers for Prabowo-Gibran or what is known as BangET Volunteers who will really fight to win Prabowo-Gibran in the 2024 President-Vice President election," said RE Nainggolan in his statement, Saturday (30/12/ 2023).

The movement from Erick Thohir's support group will certainly further strengthen the Prabowo-Gibran pair. This is due to the fact that Erick's support group comes from various groups spread across almost all provinces.

Executive Director of Indonesian Survey and Polling (SPIN) Igor Dirgantara assesses that the support from Erick's volunteers has further strengthened Prabowo-Gibran's position in the 2024 presidential election. Igor believes that Prabowo-Gibran winning one round is increasingly becoming an inevitability.

Igor emphasized that Erick's volunteer support for Prabowo was also a symbol of Erick Thohir's full support for the former Danjen Kopassus. "Of course this is a positive signal from Erick Thohir to Prabowo that he supports running for the 2024 presidential election," said Igor.

sumber : https://jouron.republika.co.id/posts/259095/supporters-of-erick-thohir-joining-prabowo-gibran-signal-for-one-round-presidential-election-
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