Senin 29 Jan 2024 17:32 WIB

BRI Reveals the Close Ties Between ESG and Prosperity in Davos

BRI currently has the flagship BRI Menanam program.

BRI kembali mengambil inisiatif dalam melestarikan lingkungan lewat aktivitas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) BRI Peduli melalui program BRI Menanam Grow & Green yang berkolaborasi dengan Yayasan Bakau Manfaat Universal dengan melakukan penanaman tanaman produktif.
Foto: dok BRI
BRI kembali mengambil inisiatif dalam melestarikan lingkungan lewat aktivitas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) BRI Peduli melalui program BRI Menanam Grow & Green yang berkolaborasi dengan Yayasan Bakau Manfaat Universal dengan melakukan penanaman tanaman produktif.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- BRI President Director, Sunarso said, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues had an important role in supporting the sustainability of human life and encouraging levels of prosperity. As of the third quarter of 2023, BRI has distributed credit to the Sustainable Business Activity Category (KKUB) sector amounting to IDR 750.9 trillion, or around 66.1 percent of BRI's total credit distribution. This figure has increased by 11.9 percent yoy.

"From this nominal amount, IDR 669.1 trillion was distributed to the MSME sector, and IDR 81.8 trillion was distributed to the Environmentally Friendly Business Activities (KUBL) sector," said Sunarso when attending the 2024 World Economic Forum (WEF) held in Davos, Switzerland quoted on Wednesday (17/1/2024).

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From an environmental perspective, to overcome climate change, BRI currently has the flagship BRI Menanam program. The BRI Menanam program provides productive plant seeds (such as mango, durian, avocado, guava, orange and other tree seeds) when customers withdraw their credit. Until the end of 2023, the BRI Menanam program has succeeded in planting 1.9 million seedlings throughout Indonesia, with an estimated CO2e absorption of 875,013 kgCO2e.

In addition, in terms of managing emissions from company operations, Sunarso explained that BRI has adopted the global standard SBTi (Science-Based Target Initiatives), namely by implementing initiatives that can directly reduce emissions resulting from the company's operational and business activities, such as the use of electric vehicles, installing solar panels, using other low-emission technologies. "BRI is committed to continuing to encourage the people's economy through empowering MSMEs, supported by reliable technological capabilities, and based on the principles of sustainability in both business and operational aspects to contribute value beyond profit," said Sunarso.

He also emphasized that BRI's vision, strategy and work were in line with the priority agenda of international concern at the World Economic Forum.


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