Kamis 11 Jul 2024 12:15 WIB

PMN Used to Come from Debt, Now It Can Finance Itself

89 percent of PMN is used by SOEs to carry out state assignments.

Rep: Muhammad Nursyamsi/ Red: Budi Raharjo
SOE Minister Erick Thohir.
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Dhemas Reviyanto
SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Commission VI of the Parliament and Minister of State for State Ownership Erick Thohir held a working meeting on Wednesday (10/7/2024) evening. Chairman of the meeting Sarmuji said this meeting will take a decision on the State Capital Injection (PMN) 2025.

“We have had meetings and debates for quite a long time and delved into the problems that are in SOEs, the time has come for us to take a decision tonight,” Sarmuji said.

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Before taking the decision, Sarmuji said there were positive things in the performance of SOEs for the past few years. Sarmuji said the PMNs granted by the state currently amount to much smaller than the dividend deposits SOEs provide for the state.

“There is one encouraging thing that we can pick up in the PMN filing, especially in the last five years,” Sarmuji said.