Kamis 15 Aug 2024 04:54 WIB

BPKH Inaugurates Hajj Village in Sukabumi

Residents are grateful for the Hajj Village in Gunungbatu

Rep: Muhyiddin / Red: Budi Raharjo
BPKH inaugurates Hajj Village in Gunungbau Kampung, Kertaangsana Village, Nyalindung Subdistrict, Sukabumi, West Java, Wednesday (14/8/2024). Kampung Haji is a permanent housing aid of 129 units for 180 KKK who are survivors of the landslide disaster.
Foto: Republika/Muhyiddin
BPKH inaugurates Hajj Village in Gunungbau Kampung, Kertaangsana Village, Nyalindung Subdistrict, Sukabumi, West Java, Wednesday (14/8/2024). Kampung Haji is a permanent housing aid of 129 units for 180 KKK who are survivors of the landslide disaster.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUKABUMI -Keungan Haji Management Agency (BPKH) inaugurated the Haji Village in Gunungbatu Village, Kertaangsana Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi, West Java, Wednesday (14/8/2024).

Haji Village is a permanent housing aid for hundreds of Sukabumi residents affected by the landslide disaster in 2019.

Baca Juga

On Wednesday (14/8/2024), Republika.co.id, had the opportunity to visit directly the Haji Village built by the BPKH. One of the survivors of the landslide, 80-year-old Kobtiah, appeared to be sitting alone in front of his new home. He also warmly welcomed the arrival of the BPKH group.

For the past five years, Kobtiah has only lived in temporary housing and is still living in trauma. However, now she can breathe a sigh of relief after receiving home help from BPKH.