Sabtu , 23 Apr 2022, 12:25 WIB
Kiprah Muslimah Asal indonesia di Space X
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Sejak kecil, Ars-Vita Alamsyah bercita-cita berkiprah di dunia teknologi. Setelah menyelesaikan kuliah S-2 di MIT, Vita diterima di Space X, perusahaan aerospace di California, sebagai Supply Chain Reliability...
Kamis , 03 Mar 2016, 21:24 WIB
TNI AU to observe Indonesia Aerospace Month 2016
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Headquarters of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) will observe the Indonesian Aerospace Month 2016 to mark its 70th anniversary on April 9, Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Agus Supriyatna, said."One of the ways for community participation in the development of aerospace potential is to observe the Indonesian Aerospace Month to welcome the Air...
Selasa , 28 Feb 2012, 16:43 WIB
Sacked in home country, hundreds of ex-PTDI employees work abroad
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG – Hundreds of ex-employees the Bandung-based airplane maker...
Senin , 27 Feb 2012, 20:35 WIB
Ratusan Bekas Karyawan Dirgantara Indonesia Migrasi ke Malaysia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,BANDUNG--Ratusan bekas karyawan termasuk tenaga ahli PT Dirgantara Indonesia...