Kamis , 12 Apr 2018, 04:35 WIB
DPR calls Facebook over data leak allegation
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Commission I of Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) will follow the US move to call Facebook to attend a hearing in order to clarify an...
Rabu , 11 Apr 2018, 20:29 WIB
Blocking Facebook not a solution: Elsam
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Institute for Community Studies and Advocacy (Elsam) opined that closing access to Facebook in Indonesia following misuse of user data by third parties is not a solution to resolving the issue. Elsam's Deputy Director of Research Wahyudi Djafar stated on Wednesday that he had supported the audit by the government and Facebook to find out...
Rabu , 11 Apr 2018, 16:58 WIB
Ministry sends second warning letter to Facebook
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Communication and Informatics...