Senin , 16 Feb 2015, 23:59 WIB
Akhirnya, Bunga Bangkai di Bandung Mekar
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Setelah ditunggu hampir kurang lebih sebulan lamanya, bunga bangkai raksasa (Amorphophallus titanium) di Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Ir.H Djuanda, Bandung akhirnya mekar. Meskipun belum mekar sempurna,...
Jumat , 17 Feb 2012, 18:37 WIB
Wow...the stinky-giant is blooming!
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KEPAHIANG – The corpse flower or Amorphophallus titanium, is blooming in the breeding area, Tebat Monok, Kepahiang, Bengkulu. And the stinky flower has attracted two forein tourists. “Two foreign tourists from Japan and Italy visited the corpse flower that we plant in this garden,” Holidin, the owner of the corpse flower breeding said. Amorphophallus titanium is a flowering plant with the...