Jumat , 06 Aug 2010, 21:23 WIB
Kamis , 24 Nov 2022, 11:35 WIB
Comeback Red Velvet Dianggap Kurang Dipromosikan, Penggemar Kritik Agensi
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEOUL — Agensi SM Entertainment menuai kritik karena dinilai kurang mempromosikan comeback grup K-pop Red Velvet. Grup wanita beranggotakan lima orang itu sedang mempersiapkan peluncuran The ReVe Festival...
Ahad , 26 Jun 2016, 03:39 WIB
President Jokowi attends Habibie's 80th birthday celebration
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended a function to mark the 80th birthday of former president Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie at his residence here on Saturday.Congratulating Habibie on his 80th birthday, President Joko Widodo expressed the hope that he would continue to inspire the Indonesian nation.The president said the Indonesian people still need a role model like...
Selasa , 06 Jan 2015, 17:07 WIB
Note from 22-years of Republika: Indonesian press in complicated year
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Nasihin Masha, Editor-in-chief of Republika"As a journalist,...
Selasa , 29 Apr 2014, 07:09 WIB
Katy Perry Tampil Gila-gilaan di Video Klip Baru
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, -- Katy Perry tampil gila-gilaan di video klip...
Ahad , 02 Jun 2013, 23:47 WIB
For 90th birthday, pilot plans 90 border crossings
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GRAND ISLAND - Loved ones of John Lawton...