Jumat , 03 Jun 2022, 06:52 WIB
Blindness, Ketika Mata tak Mampu Melihat
Meski termasuk novel yang sudah cukup lama, Blindness adalah novel international best seller. Terbit tahun 1999, namun baru pada 2007 terbit dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penulisnya menerima Nobel Sastra tahun...
Selasa , 26 Jan 2016, 20:01 WIB
Pertuni: Visually impaired persons not just masseurs
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- The visually impaired people must not be forced to become just masseurs and must have more options, Indonesian Blind Union (Pertuni) Advisory Board Chairman, Bob Hasan, has said."The visually impaired people should be able to live a better life than those who can see," Bob Hasan remarked during a "White Cane Parade" to mark the 50th...