Kamis , 04 Mar 2021, 01:24 WIB
Bribes at Ministry of Finance, Sri Mulyani Feels Betrayed
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID -- Indonesia is still facing serious problems with corruption and bribery cases even in the midts of corona virus pandemic. Now cases of corruption and bribery are taking place...
Jumat , 14 Dec 2018, 18:30 WIB
KPK welcomes mutual legal assistance with Switzerland
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it welcomes a plan to sign a Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) agreement between the Indonesian and Swiss governments as said by President Joko Widodo. Deputy Chairman of KPK Laode M Syarif said the agreement is very urgent. "Actually, it does not come all of a sudden. Now there is transparency in...
Jumat , 01 Apr 2016, 16:20 WIB
KPK arrests BUMN director on charge of bribing presecutors
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named...