Rabu , 09 Dec 2015, 12:19 WIB
Florida burglary suspect eaten by alligator after fleeing police
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ORLANDO -- A 22-year-old man suspected of burglarizing homes in Florida was killed and partially eaten by an 11-foot (3.4 meters) alligator after he waded into a lake,...
Senin , 24 Aug 2015, 08:15 WIB
Salemba recidivists breaking Rp 400 million of customers money
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Residivis of Salemba Prison, W (32 years) reported take control over a burglary of money of bank customers in prison. He was assisted by three other suspects and broke the bank into Rp 400 million.W was currently a Salemba prison inmates for bank burglary case. Before being caught at his second action, W also conducted a...