Kamis , 14 Jun 2012, 23:26 WIB
Indonesia trains Palestinians in construction work
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Five Palestinians are currently participating in a construction and water search training course organized by the Indonesian defense ministry and running from June 4 to July 5,...
Senin , 11 Jun 2012, 20:25 WIB
Palestine needs investment to defeat poverty
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – About 500,000 citizen of Palestine needed at least 3.5 billion USD of investment, the Executive Director of Wafaa Indonesia, Izzuddin Edi Siswanto, said. Wafaa has helped Palestine with 300 to 5,000 USD per project. “Apparently, their rate of return in financing program reaches 99.3 percent. This is non-profit program because the system is without interest," Siswanto said on...