Ahad , 18 Mar 2018, 23:50 WIB
Khilafah certain to lead to civil strife: Gus Sholah
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JOMBANG -- Khilafah administration in Indonesia is possible when there was powerful support from abroad, says KH Salahuddin Wahid, leader of the Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding House in...
Selasa , 26 May 2015, 00:07 WIB
NU rejects discourse of Islamic caliphate in Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Council (PBNU) KH Said Aqil Siraj said NU does not agree with the discourse of formation of the Islamic caliphate in Indonesia. According to Kyai Said, the caliphate state was not the solution to solve national problems."We reject the shape and form of the state as well as caliphate anything except...