Kamis , 11 Jun 2015, 12:55 WIB
Study: Like humans, chimps can smile silently
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Just like humans, chimpanzees can smile without making a laughing sound, a new study revealed Wednesday.The new findings, published in the U.S. journal PLOS ONE, suggested...
Sabtu , 07 Feb 2015, 20:47 WIB
Study: Chimpanzees capable of learning 'food' calling
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON -- Chimpanzees are capable of learning calls that refer to specific food items such as apple to communicate better with other members of their species, according to a study of two separate groups that were merged together at Britain's Edinburgh Zoo.The findings, published Thursday in the U.S. journal Current Biology, suggested that human language isn't as unique...