Kamis , 22 Feb 2024, 00:48 WIB
Lima Karakter Komik DC Penguasa Lautan
Sumber gambar: Comics Book Treasury. Keagungan dan misteri yang tak terkira dari laut telah lama memikat para penulis komik, dan DC Comics tidak terkecuali.Sementara hutan beton Gotham City dan...
Sabtu , 09 Dec 2023, 22:33 WIB
Case allegedly insulting Prophet Muhammad occurred in Indonesia
Aulia Rakhman's statement in the material which was joking but insulted the name of the Prophet Muhammad SAWThe Lingkar Nusantara (Lisan) Lampung Community reported a case of religious harassment by a stand-up comedian from Lampung Aulia Rakhman to the Lampung Regional Police, Saturday (9/12/2023). According to Lisan, Aulia's material and words in a cafe on Thursday (7/12/2023) were a...
Selasa , 15 Mar 2011, 14:56 WIB
Mmm...Baca Komik sambil menikmati Red Burger
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA- Burger merupakan hidangan yang biasa ditemui di...