Ahad , 23 Feb 2014, 06:52 WIB
N. Sumatra increases its target on corn

Sabtu , 22 Feb 2014, 22:39 WIB
Indonesia to boost fisheries production and exports

Kamis , 20 Feb 2014, 19:51 WIB
Indonesian cement industry has promising prospect

Jumat , 14 Feb 2014, 21:36 WIB
Some 60 traditional markets revitalized in 2014

Kamis , 13 Feb 2014, 17:36 WIB
New law results in 19 mining companies stopping operation

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 17:10 WIB
BPS: Java still dominates economic structure in 2013

Kamis , 06 Feb 2014, 16:35 WIB
Copper contributes to trade surplus in December 2013

Senin , 03 Feb 2014, 19:07 WIB
Oil price falls to near 97 USD a barrel

Kamis , 16 Jan 2014, 21:48 WIB
Minister: Indonesia 15 top economies in the world

Selasa , 24 Sep 2013, 02:16 WIB
Expert: Eliminating import duties for soybean is not effective

Jumat , 06 Sep 2013, 23:57 WIB
RNI to expand its tea market

Ahad , 18 Aug 2013, 14:12 WIB
Minister: Indonesia cleared from accusation of shrimp export subsidies

Sugarcane farmers of West Java loses 70 billion IDR
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CIREBON - Sugarcane farmers in West Java suffered losses up to 70 billion IDR due to weather anomalies. "Wet dry season causes sugarcane farmers cannot harvest optimally. Rain continues to fall and causes sugarcane plantation in the areas inundated and the situation made cutting machine hardly works," Chairman of Indonesia Sugarcane Farmers Association (APTRI) in West Java, Anwar Asmali...

Sabtu , 11 May 2013, 23:38 WIB
Malaysian palm oil company to invest 900 billion IDR in Indonesia

Rabu , 08 May 2013, 23:46 WIB
Indonesia to export 19 million tons of CPO

Rabu , 01 May 2013, 23:53 WIB
Indonesia-Canada's trade value increases 30 percent

Selasa , 30 Apr 2013, 22:56 WIB
Indonesian coffee introduced at 'London Coffee Festival'

Senin , 29 Apr 2013, 20:18 WIB
Sebatik Island has potential for palm oil investment

Rabu , 24 Apr 2013, 19:40 WIB
Indonesia continues its efforts to put CPO and rubber into EG List

Rabu , 24 Apr 2013, 19:02 WIB
Analyst welcomes govt's decision to reopen wood export

Senin , 22 Apr 2013, 18:08 WIB
Four foreign companies to invest in seaweed industry

Selasa , 02 Apr 2013, 22:24 WIB
Indonesia seeks to import rice from Myanmar

Selasa , 02 Apr 2013, 21:16 WIB
Indonesia to boost coffee production towards ASEAN FTA

Selasa , 19 Mar 2013, 23:58 WIB
Indonesia ambitious to conquer 'joe' market

Senin , 18 Mar 2013, 17:29 WIB
Indonesian sets a target to increase cocoa product

As govt bans import, farmers need to be more creative
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian farmers are expected to be more creative to develop their products as government temporary bans several products of horticulture import. Started in January 2013, Ministry of Agriculture bans 11 kinds of horticulture, which are pineapple, papaya, melon, banana, durian, cabbage, pepper, broccoli, orchid, chrysanthemum, and heliconia. "Importer usually use poor quality of local products as their...

Senin , 07 Jan 2013, 19:50 WIB
Export value from North Sumatera to India worth 1.250 billion USD

Ahad , 30 Dec 2012, 21:12 WIB
Govt wants to increase seaweed product

Kamis , 27 Dec 2012, 20:40 WIB
Indonesia cuts its rubber production

Rabu , 26 Dec 2012, 18:44 WIB
Minister: State-owned airlines should help agricultural product distribution

Selasa , 25 Dec 2012, 20:00 WIB
Govt to boost fishery export to Africa

Senin , 17 Dec 2012, 21:00 WIB
Govt to adjust import duty

Selasa , 11 Dec 2012, 19:18 WIB
Foreign tourists help promoting civet coffee

Selasa , 11 Dec 2012, 17:15 WIB
Indonesia ambitious to be the biggest cocoa producer

Jumat , 07 Dec 2012, 20:46 WIB