Kamis , 05 Dec 2013, 15:09 WIB
The controversy of condom campaign
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKATA -- The health minister's policy on the use of condoms, yet again, triggered controversy and opposition, particularly from Muslim leaders in this country, which has a Muslim-majority...
Senin , 02 Dec 2013, 21:05 WIB
MUI: Education on sex and reproduction is more important than promoting condom use
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Council of Ulamas (MUI) Chairman KH Amidhan said that sex and reproduction education for the public, including for teenagers, was far more important than the promotion of condom use. He expressed his dissagrement over the implementation of the National Condom Week from Dec. 1 to 7. "The MUI does not agree with the implementation of...