Kamis , 01 Feb 2024, 16:32 WIB
BMH Harvest Blessing Maize in Cianjur Waqf Land
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA --Happy news coming from Kampung Baru, Kutawaringin, Mande District, Cianjur West Java. The 1 hectare waqaf land managed to achieve an encouraging maize harvest success (almost 2...
Jumat , 03 Aug 2018, 21:51 WIB
Agriculture Ministry launches mobile corn drier
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Agriculture Ministry and animal feed producer PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia have launched a mobile corn drier. It expected to help farmers solve post-harvesting issues."This (mobile corn drier) is a milestone for the Indonesian agriculture industry," Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman noted at the launch of the mobile corn drier here on Friday.The locally-made corn drier will...