Rabu , 23 Sep 2015, 23:44 WIB
Xi says will not devalue currency to boost exports
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SEATTLE -- Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged Tuesday to not push the value of the yuan currency lower just to strengthen Chinese exports."We are against competitive depreciation or...
Kamis , 20 Aug 2015, 20:19 WIB
Finance Minister: Currency war causing rupiah depreciation
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro has blamed a possible currency war as one of the causes for the current depreciation of the country's rupiah."It has been difficult for the rupiah to appreciate because other currencies are depreciating," he said, after attending a parliamentary meeting.The minister explained that the potential for a currency war starting was real, following...
Kamis , 13 Aug 2015, 18:39 WIB
Pemerintah Diharapkan Siapkan Strategi Ketahanan Industri Perbankan
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chief Economist IGIco Advisory, Martin Panggabean...
Kamis , 13 Aug 2015, 18:12 WIB
Indonesia Harus Miliki Strategi Hadapi 'Perang' Mata Uang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pemerintah dinilai perlu menyiapkan strategi besar...
Selasa , 09 Jun 2015, 09:39 WIB
BI warns of potential currency war
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Indonesia warned of potential currency...