Sabtu , 27 May 2023, 13:12 WIB
Erdogan Puji Emak-Emak di Diyarbakir karena Berani Menentang Kelompok PKK
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISTANBUL -- Presiden Recep Tayyip Erdogan memuji emak-emak di wilayah Diyarbakir yang melanjutkan aksi duduk sebagai bentuk protes terhadap kelompok Partai Pekerja Kurdistan (PKK) di tenggara Turki. Dalam...
Senin , 15 Aug 2016, 20:50 WIB
Three killed in car bomb attack in Turkey's southeast
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ANKARA -- Two officers and one civilian were killed when a car bomb exploded outside a police station near Turkey's southeastern city of Diyarbakir on Monday, in an attack suspected to have been carried out by Kurdish militants, security sources said. Ambulances rushed to the scene, Dogan News Agency said. The area where the explosion hit is on a...
Selasa , 12 Apr 2016, 11:15 WIB
Bom Mobil Lukai 20 Aparat Keamanan Turki
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DIYARBAKIR -- Sedikitnya 20 tentara terluka karena ledakan...
Kamis , 14 Jan 2016, 09:53 WIB
Markas Polisi Turki Diserang Bom Mobil
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISTANBUL -- Sebuah bom mobil meledak di markas...