Ahad , 17 Dec 2017, 04:20 WIB
Myanmar faces mounting calls for release of journalist

Rabu , 29 Nov 2017, 21:26 WIB
UN seeks report from Myanmar on rapes, deaths of Rohingyas

Senin , 27 Nov 2017, 17:21 WIB
Suu Kyi to visit China amid global criticism

Sabtu , 25 Nov 2017, 03:01 WIB
Outside monitoring is needed for Rohingya return to Myanmar

Jumat , 24 Nov 2017, 01:13 WIB
China wants closer ties with Myanmar's military

Kamis , 23 Nov 2017, 11:44 WIB
US calls Myanmar operation against Rohingya ethnic cleansing

Rabu , 22 Nov 2017, 01:37 WIB
Myanmar hopes for deal with Bangladesh on Rohingya refugees

Senin , 20 Nov 2017, 20:10 WIB
China proposes three-phase plan for Rohingya crisis

Jumat , 03 Nov 2017, 03:21 WIB
Suu Kyi urges people "not to quarrel" on visit to Rakhine

Kamis , 02 Nov 2017, 00:33 WIB
Bangladesh dragging feet over repatriating Rohingya: Myanmar

Sabtu , 28 Oct 2017, 07:10 WIB
Myanmar detains Turkish state TV's reporters

Rabu , 25 Oct 2017, 15:26 WIB
US considers sanction over Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya

UN says Myanmar army prevent Rohingya return
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GENEVA -- Myanmar security forces have brutally driven out half a million Muslim Rohingya from northern Rakhine state, torching their homes, crops and villages to prevent them from returning, the U.N. human rights office said on Wednesday. Jyoti Sanghera, head of the Asia and Pacific region of the U.N. human rights office, called on Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi...

Jumat , 22 Sep 2017, 01:00 WIB
India is considering supplying arms to Myanmar's govt

Kamis , 21 Sep 2017, 22:35 WIB
Rohingya tragedy: The piteous present for humanity

Kamis , 21 Sep 2017, 12:32 WIB
Kalla agrees with Trump's suggestion to handle Myanmar issue

Kamis , 21 Sep 2017, 12:03 WIB
Trump urges "strong, swift" UN action to end Rohingya crisis

Selasa , 19 Sep 2017, 21:02 WIB
Suu Kyi condemns all human rights violations in Rakhine

Selasa , 19 Sep 2017, 20:53 WIB
China offers support to Myanmar at UN amid Rohingya crisis

Selasa , 19 Sep 2017, 01:15 WIB
India says Rohingya refugees threat to national security

Senin , 18 Sep 2017, 20:46 WIB
Wild elephants trample two Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Senin , 18 Sep 2017, 15:48 WIB
Rights group urges new Myanmar sanctions over Rohingya crisis

Jumat , 15 Sep 2017, 18:45 WIB
Myanmar authorities must be tried in international court: Lawmaker

Senin , 11 Sep 2017, 11:42 WIB
Rohingya refugees in Pakistan fear for relatives in Myanmar

Ahad , 10 Sep 2017, 07:31 WIB
Tito Karnavian to meet Myanmar counterpart to discuss Rohingya crisis

Islamic world lauds UN plan to aid 300,000 Rohingya Muslims
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CAIRO -- Many Islamic states praised a UN plan to aid 300,000 Rohingya Muslims fleeing from Myanmar to Bangladesh, local media reported on Saturday. The report said the UN and its partners have a plan to provide up to 300,000 Rohingya Muslims fleeing from Myanmar to Bangladesh with food, shelter, water, health care and other services until the end...

Kamis , 07 Sep 2017, 22:00 WIB
Suu Kyi says Myanmar try to protect all citizens in Rakhine

Kamis , 07 Sep 2017, 21:01 WIB
UN chief stresses responsibility to protect civilians

Kamis , 07 Sep 2017, 20:47 WIB
Indonesian army ready to send troops to Rakhine

Rabu , 06 Sep 2017, 20:06 WIB
Thousands of Jakarta protestors stage rally in front of Myanmar embassy

Rabu , 06 Sep 2017, 19:46 WIB
Rohingya crisis is not a religious conflict: PBNU

Rabu , 06 Sep 2017, 01:02 WIB
ICMI urges ASEAN, OIC to seek solution for Rohingya

Rabu , 06 Sep 2017, 00:08 WIB
People must act wisely regarding Rohingya issue: Expert

Selasa , 05 Sep 2017, 20:39 WIB
Congress of Indonesian Advocate asks Myanmar to end cruelty against Rohingya
Selasa , 05 Sep 2017, 20:02 WIB