Kamis , 22 Mar 2018, 09:53 WIB
Benarkah Indonesia akan "Musnah" pada 2030?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID Oleh: Denny JA, Akademisi/Konsultan PolitikSemoga itu tak terjadi. Itulah respons cepat saya selaku warga yang mencintai negaranya. Cukup dag dig dug saya membaca review analisis masa depan yang...
Rabu , 20 Jun 2012, 21:50 WIB
Govt questions Indonesian’s position at Failed State Index
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Indonesia sits in 63th out of 178 countries in Failed State Index (FSI) 2012 published in US, or increases from 64 in the previous index. The number indicates the country is in danger to become failed country. The increasing number also shows that Indonesian condition is worse than last period, based on three matters. The first is demographic...