Kamis , 13 Dec 2012, 23:14 WIB
Govt imposes 20 percent duty on imported flour
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Government finally imposes 20 percent safeguard import duty (BMTPS) for imported flour. Minister of Finance Agus Martowardojo signed the regulation on December 5. The regulation is valid...
Sabtu , 06 Oct 2012, 22:45 WIB
Indonesia may impose 20 percent wheat flour import tariff
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesia could slap a tariff of 20 percent on imports of wheat flour within less than three months, an industry association said on Friday, as Asia's top importer of the grain moves to protect its growing wheat mill industry. Indonesia's trade ministry is investigating whether imports of wheat flour breach international trading laws against dumping. "The government will...
Selasa , 14 Feb 2012, 20:40 WIB
You may contribute to this increasing demand... flour!
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Love for the cake, bread, or instant...