Kamis , 10 Aug 2017, 05:35 WIB
Govt to improves nutrition to prevent stunting
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that the government will continue to improve the nutrition of infants and toddlers, with the hope that there will no longer...
Kamis , 10 Aug 2017, 03:02 WIB
Govt allocates Rp60 trillion to overcome stunting
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government has allocated Rp60 trillion to overcome childhood stunting caused by chronic malnutrition. "Almost 12 ministries and institutions were involved in the efforts to overcome stunting, and the total budget from these 12 ministries and institutions could reach Rp60 trillion," Coordinating Minister for Human Resource Development and Culture Puan Maharani said here Wednesday. The minister made the...