Kamis , 06 Aug 2020, 00:08 WIB
Pegawai Freelance Guest House Curi Ponsel Tamu
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MALANG -- Aparat Polresta Malang Kota (Makota) berhasil menangkap pelaku pencurian ponsel di kediamannya di Singosari, Kabupaten Malang. Pelaku berinisial SDC (20) ini terbukti telah mengambil ponsel milik...
Kamis , 14 May 2015, 17:40 WIB
9 killed in Afghan capital guesthouse attack
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KABUL -- Some nine people, including four attackers, were killed during a shoot out at a guesthouse in Afghan capital Kabul overnight Wednesday, an official source said on Thursday.Four gunmen attacked the Park Palace Hotel frequented by foreigners late on Wednesday night. The counter attack ended early Thursday morning, a security official told Xinhua anonymously."Among the killed were...
Kamis , 12 Sep 2013, 21:16 WIB
Hotel RIMBA Jimbaran Bali akan Buka Menjelang APEC Summit 2013
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, -- Dibawah manajemen yang sama dengan AYANA yaitu...