Jumat , 28 Jan 2022, 06:15 WIB
In Picture: Wapres Maruf Amin Canangkan Ekosistem Global Halal Hub
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Wakil Presiden Maruf Amin didampingi Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita dan Gubernur Banten Wahidin Halim meresmikan Pencanangan Ekosistem Global Halal Hub di Kebon Nanas, Tangerang, Banten, Kamis...
Senin , 06 Sep 2021, 09:21 WIB
VP Amin: IFC to Drive Nation Become Muslim Fashion Hub
IHRAM.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin support the Indonesia Fashion Chamber (IFC) through the MUFEST Program. He expected MUFEST Program to drive Indonesia to serve as center of Muslim fashion in the world. "We expect MUFEST(Muslim Fashion Festival) to consistently become the largest strategic stage. Through MUFEST, the economy and sharia finance are expected to receive a boost from...
Senin , 06 Sep 2021, 08:35 WIB
APPHI Targetkan Tahun Ini Bangun Halal Hub di 10 Kota Besar
IHRAM.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Indonesia dengan penduduk muslim terbesar di Indonesia...