
DVI to speed up identification process of Hercules's victims

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Disaster Victim Identification Team (DVI) of National Police has added the forensic expert to the victims identification process of the Hercules C-130 plane crash in Medan, on Tuesday, June 30. The addition was expected could be completed more quickly in the identification process of the victim bodies."Today we added the forensic experts become 15 persons. There...

Presiden Joko Widodo

Jokowi: Evakuasi Korban Pesawat Hercules Harus Diutamakan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pesawat Hercules C – 130 jatuh 5 kilometer dari Bandara Polonia, Medan, Sumatera Utara pada Selasa (30/6). Pesawat tersebut diketahui membawa 12 kru.Atas dasar itu, Presiden Joko Widodo, mengucapkan rasa bela sungkawanya melalui media sosial twitter. Melalui akun @jokowi, ia berharap keluarga korban diberikan kesabaran dan kekuatan."Saya dan keluarga berbela sungkawa atas musibah jatuhnya pesawat Hercules...