Selasa , 18 Aug 2015, 01:01 WIB
Ancol Dreamland organizes underwater flag hoisting ceremony
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Taman Impian Jaya Ancol recreational park in North Jakarta organized an underwater flag hoisting ceremony to observe Indonesia's 70th independence anniversary on Monday."We organized interesting...
Senin , 17 Aug 2015, 19:53 WIB
Indonesia's red-and-white flags hoisted from mountain to underwater
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesians celebrated the 70th anniversary of the country's Independence Day on August 17, through various events, such as flag hoisting ceremonies held on a mountain, underwater, on a train, and in the middle of the sea.Indonesia's independence was proclaimed by Soekarno and M. Hatta, who later became the first Indonesian president and vice president, in Jakarta,...
Senin , 17 Aug 2015, 19:46 WIB
150 divers join underwater flag hoisting ceremony in Sabang
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- Some 150 divers took part...