Jumat , 29 Sep 2017, 23:00 WIB
House leaders to follow up aspirations of 299 rally
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- House of Representatives leaders Agus Hermanto and Fadli Zon said they would follow up aspirations from 299 mass rally. Both of them promised to convey it...
Jumat , 29 Sep 2017, 22:55 WIB
Alumni 212 says the raise of PKI supported by Parliament
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chairman of Presidium of Alumni of 212 Rally 212 Slamet Maarif said there is an indication if element of the Parliament supported efforts to the resurrection of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Therefore, the Presidium staged 299 rally dedicated to support House of representatives (DPR) to clean itself from PKI. According to him, members of DPR might have...
Rabu , 27 Sep 2017, 21:32 WIB
Police estimates 10 thousand people to join 299 rally
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of Public Relations of Jakarta...