Ahad , 01 Oct 2017, 09:49 WIB
International Coffee Day, Ribuan Orang Ngopi Bareng di Lampung
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,LAMPUNG -- Ribuan orang ngopi bareng di Hari Kopi Internasional (International Coffee Day), di Bandar Lampung, bersama Gubernur Lampung Muhammad Ridho Ficardo. Kopi robusta Lampung yang sudah mendunia dan...
Sabtu , 17 Jun 2017, 23:23 WIB
Lampung to promote its coffee on International Coffee Day
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDARLAMPUNG - Lampung Governor Muhammad Ridho Ficardo has called on all sides to use the International Coffee Day, which will be commemorated in the province on Oct 1, 2017, as a momentum to promote Lampung coffee. "The cooperation among all sides will have a good impact on the welfare of coffee growers in Lampung," he said here on Saturday. Lampung...