Senin , 15 Dec 2014, 21:57 WIB
Australians offer support to Muslims amid siege

Senin , 15 Dec 2014, 16:17 WIB
Fears of 'jihadist' attack as hostages held in Sydney cafe

Jumat , 05 Dec 2014, 20:25 WIB
German man sentenced to 3 years 9 months for activities in Syria

Rabu , 03 Dec 2014, 20:22 WIB
Iraq says woman detained in Lebanon is not Baghdadi wife

Selasa , 02 Dec 2014, 15:31 WIB
Officials: Lebanese army detains a wife and son of Islamic State leader

Selasa , 02 Dec 2014, 08:46 WIB
Report: US military warned of possible IS attacks at home

Senin , 01 Dec 2014, 06:00 WIB
Pope, patriarch demand end to IS attacks

Senin , 01 Dec 2014, 05:00 WIB
Germany: 300 IS fighters facing trial, anti-terrorism laws working

Ahad , 23 Nov 2014, 22:20 WIB
Spy agency: Islamic State has lured 550 Germans into fighting

Ahad , 23 Nov 2014, 04:00 WIB
Monitor: US-led strikes have killed 910 people in Syria

Senin , 17 Nov 2014, 02:21 WIB
Islamic State claims to have beheaded US hostage Kassig

Jumat , 14 Nov 2014, 20:36 WIB
UN: IS denies food aid to hundreds of thousands

150 Iraqi tribesmen opposed to Islamic State found in mass grave
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BAGHDAD - The bodies of 150 members of an Iraqi Sunni tribe which fought Islamic State have been found in a mass grave, according to security officials on Thursday. Islamic State militants took the men from their villages to the city of Ramadi and killed them on Wednesday night and buried them, an official in a police operations center...

Sabtu , 04 Oct 2014, 17:19 WIB
Islamic State video shows second British hostage beheaded

Rabu , 01 Oct 2014, 15:19 WIB
PM: Australian aircraft to support US-led air strikes in Iraq

Selasa , 30 Sep 2014, 12:30 WIB
Israel PM: Iranian president sheds 'crocodile tears'

Sabtu , 27 Sep 2014, 20:19 WIB
UN chief vows to back Iraq in fighting Islamic State

Jumat , 26 Sep 2014, 10:26 WIB
FBI: Militant in Syria beheading videos identified

Kamis , 25 Sep 2014, 17:00 WIB
Fact: States line up behind US in fight against Islamic State

Kamis , 25 Sep 2014, 16:00 WIB
Lebanon detains 450 suspected militants in Syria border crackdown

Rabu , 24 Sep 2014, 22:36 WIB
US conducts five more airstrikes in Syria, Iraq against Islamic State

Rabu , 24 Sep 2014, 20:24 WIB
Air strikes in Syria hit Islamic State-held areas near Turkey

Senin , 22 Sep 2014, 11:10 WIB
Around 140 world leaders to discuss Islamic State, Ebola crisis

Kamis , 18 Sep 2014, 20:54 WIB
Australian PM: Police raids follow IS linked beheading plot

Rabu , 17 Sep 2014, 19:42 WIB
Saudi's mufti: Terrorism is a heinous crime

About 30 countries attend Iraq conference urging 'global' fight on IS
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PARIS - French President Francois Hollande called on Monday for united international action to tackle the threat from Islamic State (IS) militants as he opened a conference on Iraq bringing together members of a US-led coalition. The United States this week unveiled an outline plan to fight the Islamist militants simultaneously in Iraq and Syria. It believes it can...

Selasa , 09 Sep 2014, 17:25 WIB
UN Security Council plans to suppress foreign extremist fighters

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 11:42 WIB
Arabs vow to confront Islamic State, cooperate with international efforts

Senin , 08 Sep 2014, 11:37 WIB
Obama to set out plan to go on offensive against Islamic State

Kamis , 04 Sep 2014, 07:06 WIB
Obama says will 'degrade and destroy' Islamic State

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 20:08 WIB
UK says not ruling out airstrikes against Islamic State

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 08:45 WIB
Islamic State issues video of beheading of US hostage
Selasa , 02 Sep 2014, 14:32 WIB
District in Bali anticipates ISIS infiltartion

Selasa , 02 Sep 2014, 08:53 WIB
UN to send team to investigate Islamic State crimes in Iraq

Senin , 01 Sep 2014, 21:07 WIB