Kamis , 09 Oct 2014, 07:01 WIB
Australia Lancarkan Serangan Bom Pertama ke IS di Irak

Sabtu , 04 Oct 2014, 17:19 WIB
Islamic State video shows second British hostage beheaded

Jumat , 03 Oct 2014, 22:43 WIB
Australia authorizes special forces troops to go to Iraq

Jumat , 03 Oct 2014, 20:08 WIB
Surprisingly... Shi'ites and Sunnis unite to fight Islamic State

Rabu , 01 Oct 2014, 16:38 WIB
Australia Gabung Koalisi Gempur IS di Irak

Rabu , 01 Oct 2014, 15:19 WIB
PM: Australian aircraft to support US-led air strikes in Iraq

Selasa , 30 Sep 2014, 12:30 WIB
Israel PM: Iranian president sheds 'crocodile tears'

Sabtu , 27 Sep 2014, 20:19 WIB
UN chief vows to back Iraq in fighting Islamic State

Sabtu , 27 Sep 2014, 12:41 WIB
235 Petempur Suriah Gabung ke Islamic State

Sabtu , 27 Sep 2014, 09:59 WIB
Serangan Udara AS Tewaskan Pejuang Senior IS di Suriah

Jumat , 26 Sep 2014, 19:38 WIB
Denmark Kirim Tujuh F-16 ke Irak

Jumat , 26 Sep 2014, 10:26 WIB
FBI: Militant in Syria beheading videos identified

Lebanon detains 450 suspected militants in Syria border crackdown
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIRUT - Lebanon's army has detained about 450 suspected Islamist militants near its border with Syria, Lebanese security sources said on Thursday, as it steps up efforts to prevent them from using the frontier town of Arsal as a base. Arsal was the scene of last month of the deadliest spillover of fighting in the three-year civil war in...

Senin , 15 Sep 2014, 20:14 WIB
About 30 countries attend Iraq conference urging 'global' fight on IS

Senin , 15 Sep 2014, 09:42 WIB
Pentagon: Saudi to join US in training Syrian rebels to combat Islamic State

Ahad , 14 Sep 2014, 22:56 WIB
France: Around 930 people involved in 'jihad'

Ahad , 14 Sep 2014, 21:45 WIB
Kerry: Some nations offer ground troops to fight Islamic State

Rabu , 10 Sep 2014, 15:27 WIB
Obama to lay out ISIS battle plan

Kamis , 04 Sep 2014, 07:06 WIB
Obama says will 'degrade and destroy' Islamic State

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 20:08 WIB
UK says not ruling out airstrikes against Islamic State

Rabu , 03 Sep 2014, 08:45 WIB
Islamic State issues video of beheading of US hostage

Rabu , 20 Aug 2014, 23:34 WIB
Ex CIA boss: Journalist's killing first IS attack on US

Jumat , 08 Aug 2014, 20:58 WIB
Pope Francis calls for action as Iraqi Christians forced to flee

Rabu , 09 Jul 2014, 19:47 WIB