Ahad , 12 Jun 2016, 20:16 WIB
34 junior high school students at Magelang achieve perfect score in math exam
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG - As many as 34 students of junior high school (SMP) 1 Magelang City, Central Java, successfully achieving scores 100 in math test of national examination 2016.Head...
Jumat , 23 Oct 2015, 16:33 WIB
Struggling at maths, Spanish schools turn to chess
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MADRID -- Eleven-year-old Alvaro Pineda has played chess at home since he was five. Now he plays it in the classroom too.In an effort to boost their pupils' low maths and reading marks, more and more Spanish schools are holding chess clubs -- and some could even make it a compulsory class."It really increases your mental capacity. I...
Ahad , 08 Mar 2015, 12:34 WIB
Indonesia Perlu Masukkan Aspek STEM dalam Pendidikan
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Perkembangan teknologi dan informasi dalam beberapa...
Rabu , 14 Jan 2015, 10:59 WIB
're:on' Gabungkan Matematika dan Drama dalam Komik
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Komik kompilasi hasil karya komikus Indonesia,...
Senin , 26 Mar 2012, 00:53 WIB
Three gold medals for Indonesian students
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Three Indonesian elementary school students who attend...