Rabu , 04 Dec 2013, 06:38 WIB
Media dan Konten Mendidik
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Rabithah Alam Al-Islami (Liga Dunia Muslim) mempercayakan kembali Indonesia untuk menjadi tuan rumah Konferensi Islam Internasional mengenai Media ke-3. Konferensi Islam Internasional Media ke-3 tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai...
Ahad , 27 Oct 2013, 01:48 WIB
Indonesia's undeclared media war?
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR -- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's speech about media attacks against his party, recently, reinforced public presumption that media war does exist in Indonesia. This will be the strongest argument about media war because the allegation of media attact came from the higest ranking in Indonesia who also serve as Indonesia's president. Despite the allegation, Yudhoyono did not point out which...