Selasa , 30 Jan 2024, 20:05 WIB
Ex Member JKT48 Jadi Brand Ambassador Aura Esports
Brand Ambassador Aura (Sumber: Instagram @auraesports)JAKARTA - Aura Esports, salah satu tim esports terkemuka di Indonesia, baru-baru ini mengumumkan dua wajah baru yang akan menjadi Brand Ambassador mereka. Mereka...
Ahad , 15 May 2016, 14:12 WIB
The corruption of ex-GAM members: An irony of Aceh’s development
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Almira Fadillah *)The domination of local political power in Aceh has lasted since the Government Regulation (PP) No. 20/2007 about local political parties was implemented. Thus, in 2009 election all local political parties was accommodated. Consecutively, Aceh Party (Partai Aceh/PA) that is considered representing the aspiration of former GAM members won legislative election in 2009 with 47%...
Selasa , 02 Feb 2016, 18:05 WIB
Former Gafatar members must be given guidance in persuasive ways
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Thousands of former Fajar Nusantara Movement...
Senin , 01 Feb 2016, 20:20 WIB
UNS to accept former Gafatar members
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SOLO -- Civitas Academica State University of Surakarta...
Selasa , 29 Dec 2015, 15:34 WIB
Hundreds of ISIS family flee Aleppo
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DAMASCUS -- As many as 300 family members...